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Elevate K-12 featured in EdWeek: ‘No Going Back’ From Remote and Hybrid Learning

January 7, 2021

Live Teaching In Classroom

Dougherty County Superintendent Ken Dyer spoke with Education Week on how Elevate K-12 is providing remote and hybrid learning options, and more importantly, filling teacher vacancies.

Ken Dyer, Superintendent of Dougherty County, GA spoke with Education Week on how they first used Elevate K-12 in 2017 for its certified live teachers to provide remedial math and reading help to small groups of struggling students. Elevate K-12, a live streaming instruction company, provides high-quality live certified teachers to school districts regardless of zip code. Dyer discussed how he was so happy with the results he turned to Elevate K-12 to help solve an even bigger problem. His district employs about 1,000 teachers across 21 schools. But it often started the school year with as many as 50 vacancies. Now they use 15 Elevate K-12 live teachers to provide high-quality instruction for their courses that they struggle to fill with effective teachers.

“If everyone could have an effective teacher physically in the classroom at all times, we would certainly prefer that,” Dyer said. “But that’s not possible in every school system in the country.”

Elevate K-12 CEO Shaily Baranwal adds that the struggles that most other companies experience with online learning are because of the technology platforms and the delivery methods of the content. Elevate K-12 has a custom-built technology centered around K-12 education and years of experience in delivering high-quality synchronous education.

Read the full story on Education Week here.

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