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Our Core Values: Elevate K-12’s “Gyanisms”

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Gyan: (ɡjɑːn) noun, a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to ‘knowledge’ or ‘wisdom’

While most companies define “values”, we call them “gyanisms”. They represent the knowledge and wisdom that guides us here at Elevate. Our gyanisms are a set of 6 core values; they are the guiding principles that give us a shared sense of purpose, define what we stand for, and guide how we act and make decisions.

El Value Obsess

Gyanism #1

Obsess about the customer

We obsess about all customers in our ecosystem; students,
teachers and school/district leaders.

Gyanism #2

Focus on outcomes

We each understand what outcomes our work is driving and recognize that performance is measured by the impact we make.

El Value Outcomes
El Value Act Like Owners

Gyanism #3

Act like owners

We take initiative when we identify problems or gaps in ownership and hold ourselves accountable, owning our successes and mistakes.

Gyanism #4

Ground decisions in detail and data

We are curious and stay connected to details; when something isn’t clear or seems off, we dig deep to find answers.

El Value Ground Decisions
El Value Collaborate Copy 1

Gyanism #5

Collaborate to win together

We work together to accomplish shared goals and celebrate our wins, and learn from our failures, as a team.

Gyanism #6

Continuously elevate our performance

We set high expectations for ourselves and continuously raise the bar on performance; we look for diversity in experiences, expertise, thought, and representation because we know this makes us better.

El Value Continuously Elevate Copy 1

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