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Elevate K-12 featured on ABC: “Montana Teacher Virtually Teaches in South Carolina”

March 9, 2021

Teaching Live Via Technology

Elevate K-12 teacher Lauren Sidoruk spoke with ABC on her ability to effectively teach students in a South Carolina School from her home in Montana.

Lauren Sidoruk, a live teacher for Elevate K-12, in Corvallis, Montana spoke with ABC on how she is providing live instruction to students across the country in Bennettsville, South Carolina. Elevate K-12, a live streaming instruction company, provides high-quality live certified teachers to school districts regardless of zip code. Lauren discussed how she loves having an influence on these students from all the way across the county and she’s happy they get to have a true English teacher rather than just substitutes or someone with a different specialty.

“I’ve really grown to have relationships with them and have connections,” Sidoruk says.

“It was really evident at the end of my first semester when I had to say goodbye to those students that I’d been teaching.” Sidoruk said. “It was the bittersweet end to a school year in the same way it would have been in a classroom.”

In addition to the Bennettsville school getting a qualified English teacher, Lauren Sidoruk is getting the opportunity to use her teaching degree. Sidoruk would be one of 40 applicants for an opening near her Wyoming residence, but with Elevate K-12 she is able to fill a teacher vacancy in one of the many pockets across the United States struggling with teacher shortages in specific subjects like English and foreign language.

Read the full story on Montana Right Now here.

Watch the entire video on Montana Right Now here.

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